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The CHAIN Links Program for Young Women and Girls with Anxiety 

Are you ready for a change NOW? Tired of feeling anxious, worried, and unsure of yourself? There are many things you can learn and do to feel better! This program is truly different. You do it with a best friend OR by yourself acting as your own best friend. Finally, a practical and FUN way to tackle anxiety loaded with valuable skills and experiences to benefit a lifetime. Take a look at our FAQs, testimonials, and sample worksheets on this site and change your life now! With love and confidence, Dr. Patricia

The CHAIN Links Program for Anxiety Book Cover
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Stronger Together

I just finished reading Patricia A. Houchin’s The CHAIN Links Program for Young Women and Girls with Anxiety. I must say that reading the book was like having a compassionate friend guiding me through the tough times in my life, especially as someone who has struggled with anxiety and self-doubt.


In today's fast-paced world, there can be a lot to worry about, especially with things constantly changing and the challenges we face regularly. The youth, especially girls or women in the most important period of their lives, are not spared from this. For this demographic, developing anxiety is common.


This is where The CHAIN Links Program for Young Women and Girls with Anxiety comes in, aiming to arm young girls and women with the necessary tools for self-appreciation, self-discovery, and self-love, which help them deal with the pressure and anxiety that arise during a crucial time in life.


I loved how Patricia used the "CHAIN (Challenging, Helping, Accepting, Influencing, and Nurturing)" acronym to create a framework for self-discovery and growth. It is a clever acronym that is easy to remember when you need it the most.


The author favors a gentle and powerful approach. I found her ability to break down concepts that could be difficult to understand into bite-sized pieces to be one of my favorite aspects of the book. Each link is meant to be read in a week, and the author favors a stepwise approach in passing her message to help improve the reader's understanding. For example, in the problem-solving section, the author summarizes a detailed list that takes us from problem identification and root cause analysis to making, analyzing, and improving a plan concerning our objectives, goals, and values. Everything is clear, concise, and goal-oriented, and the author's calmness and confidence radiate through the book's pages and positively impact the reader.


Another aspect of the book that resonated with me was how well the author emphasized the significance of self-love and a "Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)." The world often reminds us of our shortcomings and that we’re not enough. The author’s central message affirms that we are enough just the way we are, but we can work to improve ourselves despite societal pressure. This is a strong message, especially for young ladies or girls figuring out what it means to grow up.


The book is presented in a workbook format. It encourages you to reflect on your thoughts and feelings and take action toward positive change. I have previously read about the advantages of journaling, and as I read this book, I found myself scribbling notes and insights in the “Notes” section. It felt like I was having a conversation with the author. Even though the book can be read alone, it is also designed to be read with your best friend. This fosters improved learning and communication.


The text was professionally edited. The author's confident tone is infectious, making you feel like you can tackle anything that comes your way. For me, it's not just a book. It's a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. If you're struggling with anxiety or self-doubt, then this book is for you. If you need a reminder that you're enough, this book will also be helpful. Since I did not dislike any aspect of the book, a rating of five out of five is deserved. (5 million members strong).

Review of The CHAIN Links Program for Young Women and Girls with Anxiety by Vivian Writes
» 27 Aug 2024,
[Following is an official review of "The CHAIN Links Program for Young Women and Girls with Anxiety" by Patricia A. Houchin.] 
5 out of 5 stars

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Program creator Dr Patricia A Houchin

About The CHAIN Links Program.

Supporting girls and young women as they work together to strengthen the links in the CHAIN to better mental health and lower anxiety.

CHAIN stands for Challenging, Helping,
Accepting, Influencing, and Nurturing - STRONGER together!

Dr. Patricia A. Houchin, LMHC
Author and Creator of the Program

©2025 by The CHAIN Links Program

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